WEEK EIGHT- chp 36-40

You can read 'Holes' online at:

Answer the following questions in sentence form:

1. According to Zero how did the boat probably get its name? 

2. What did the boys see when they finally reached the western edge of the lake?
3. What conclusion did Stanley make after seeing all the weeds and bugs?
4. What two important discoveries does Stanley make after tumbling into the gully?
5. Explain why Mrs. Tennyson was wearing only a nightgown and a robe as she ran down the street after Sam.
6. Why did Hattie Parker blush when Gladys Tennyson mentioned that her daughter, Becca, had almost died from eating some bad meat?

Below are terms from chp 36-40. You are required to research and write the meaning and find a picture that depicts the term.


Extension task/s: You are to complete one or both of the following (some 

tasks may need to be done in another format and brought into class.
1. Write out some predictions as to what you think is going to happen in the story in the next few chapters.  (no peeking allowed).