WEEK SEVEN- chp 31-35

You can read 'Holes' online at:

Answer the following questions in sentence form:

1. Why does the Warden repeatedly ask Mr. Pendanski if Zero (Hector Zeroni) had any family or social worker who might have taken an interest in him?

2. Explain what happened when Stanley stole the truck?
3. Why did Stanley think that he might have to return to the camp?
4. Why did Stanley's heart stop when he peered into the bottom of one of the holes?
5. Describe what Stanley found while walking across the dry and barren wasteland.
6. What evidence is there that Barf Bag may have purposely stepped on a rattlesnake?

Below are terms from chp 6-10. You are required to research and write the meaning and find a picture that depicts the term.


Extension task/s: You are to complete one or both of the following (some tasks may need to be done in another format and brought into class.
1. Car theft has become a serious problem in the major cities.  Create an advertisement for a new car theft alarm device that you are planning to introduce to the market.  Remember to use illustrations to market this device.