WEEK ONE: chp 1-5

Answer the following questions in sentence form:   
1. Explain the irony in the name Camp Green Lake.
2. Briefly explain the curse of the one-legged Gypsy.
3. What instructions did the guard give to Stanley concerning digging?
4. According to Mr. Sir why did none of the campers attempt to escape despite the fact that there were no fences or guard towers?
5. Why was Stanley reluctant to tell Mr. Pendanski that he was innocent?

Below are terms from chp 1-5. You are required to research and write the meaning and find a picture that depicts the term.

Extension task/s: You are to complete one or both of the following (some tasks may need to be done in another format and brought into class.

  1. palindrome is a word, phrase, number or other sequence of units that can be read the same way in either direction. Try and find some palindromes on the internet.  Try to create some of your own. We will see who can create the longest palindrome.
  2. Draw a cartoon strip representing some aspect of the story so far.

 "There was no lake at Camp Green Lake"

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