WEEK THREE- chp 11-15

You can read 'Holes' online at:

Answer the following questions in sentence form:

1. What did X-Ray ask Stanley to do the next time he found something interesting?
2. Why was Stanley surprised that X-Ray was the leader of the group?
3. Why was Stanley reluctant at first to retrieve the glistening object from the pile of dirt?
4. What occurs when the water truck arrives that indicates Stanley's status in the group of boys is improving?
5. Describe the Warden.
6. Why was the Warden treating the campers so well?

Below are terms from chp 6-10. You are required to research and write the meaning and find a picture that depicts the term.

Extension task/s: You are to complete one or both of the following (some tasks may need to be done in another format and brought into class.
1. Find out how pig latin works by searching the library or the internet.  What would yours and your family members names be in pig latin?  Practise communicating with your friends in pig latin. 
2. Pretend you are Louis Sachar and that you have just completed writing Holes. Write a letter to a publisher describing the book and attempting to persuade them that it is worth their while to publish it.
