WEEK 5- chp 21-25

WEEK 5- chp 21-25

You can read 'Holes' online at:

Answer the following questions in sentence form:

1. Why was Stanley surprised when he returned to his hole?
What insight did Stanley suddenly have about the gold tube in the Warden's office?
3. Describe Green Lake as it was one hundred and ten years ago.
4. Explain why Katherine Barlow may have refused Trout's offer to take her for a ride on his new boat?
5. Why did Stanley keep his eyes down as Mr. Sir ladled oatmeal into his bowl?
6. Explain why Doc Hawthorn didn't resent Sam.

Below are terms from chp 6-10. You are required to research and write the meaning and find a picture that depicts the term.

Extension task/s: You are to complete one or both of the following (some tasks may need to be done in another format and brought into class.
Pretend you are the school librarian and give a book talk about Holes to your classmates.  Remember your job would be to entice the students to read the book without revealing the ending.